Are you moving soon or does your house need a new look?

We are happy to provide extensive and practical advice that suits you exactly. Your home should suit your lifestyle and reflect your taste. We can only do this by finding out in a number of extensive conversations what is currently missing and what exactly you are looking for. Only then can we design a corner, a room or even an entire house that meets your expectations, that will be used optimally and that you will enjoy to the fullest. Whether it concerns creating atmosphere in an interior, determining a good layout in the room, or offering the tools to determine your style, we are happy to work with it.

You can opt for color advice or advice on purchasing furniture, lighting, wall coverings or window decorations. But we are also entrusted with complete tailor-made interior design advice. Call or email us for an intake interview so that we can get to know each other better and map out your wishes.


Can you no longer see the forest for the trees when you are looking for a new design? Or do you have no inspiration or no time to search for a long time? Then we can help you with that too. After discussing your wishes, we will take you for a day to our favorite home furnishing stores where we can help you on the spot with choosing the right furniture or accessories. If you have any questions, please contact us.